"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" We have so much to be thankful for!
- God giving us Jesus, forgiveness, grace, and heaven!
- God giving us family, food, clothes, home, and so much more!
- God giving us St. John as a family, a home, a ministry!
- Yes, God giving us a place in his ministry, calling us to partner with him, equipping us with his time, talent, and treasure so we can make his difference in this world!
- Yes, we get to partner with God! That’s why Paul wrote: “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9)
Offering Plate
There is a beauty in the offering plate, and it's not its shine. The beauty is a family passing the plate along, filling it up together, placing it on the altar of our Lord. It's the beauty of a family coming together, declaring God's praise together, thanking him together, publicly joining together with Jesus in ministry. It's the beauty of symbolism that encourages our family today and teaches the younger generation for tomorrow. It's the beauty of worship.
Let me also say that there is great value to the options listed below. In our war against distraction, in our fight against the voices of reasonableness nagging and tempting: "Later, not now, not so much ...", with all the calls in us and around us to spend God's money elsewhere, there is great value in staking out our stewardship victory now and in holding that victory with ongoing, recurring giving. Our options listed on this page may not have the same symbolism as the offering plate, but they are also worship!
Electronic Bill Pay
Many financial institutions offer this free automatic service. With this feature, you authorize your bank or credit union to provide recurring payments to the recipients you indicate. This is convenient for you and allows you to maintain consistent support for your St. John ministry even when you are gone for a weekend. Payee information should read: St. John Church, 501 W. Park Ave. Libertyville, IL 60048, (847) 362-4424.
Legacy Gifts
With a bit of planning, donors can minimize taxes and maximize giving. We regularly receive tax-wise gifts from our members through the WELS Foundation, Thrivent, Schwab, Chicago Trust .... For more information, see our blue "Some Gifts Last FOREVER" brochures in our church entryway tract racks, speak with Pastor, or check out the Helpful Resources available through our WELS Foundation.
Special School Opportunities
Our school is nationally accredited (exemplary!) and is eligible for many employer matching gift programs. Please check with your employer. Matching gifts have been a wonderful gift for our ministry!
WELS Foundation serves donors and the ministries they support by providing gift administration for charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, donor advised funds, and endowment funds.
WELS Foundation also processes gifts including real estate, life insurance, and marketable securities.
Helpful Resources
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Donor Advised Fund
Endowment Funds
Learn More