Worship Connections

Worship Services


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Children & Worship

We believe that worship is for all the members of the family, including young children. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14). Although some churches believe that families are better served by separating children into their own "children's church," at St. John Lutheran our conviction is that there is great value in conducting worship for families.

Families are invited and encouraged to worship together so that...

  • both children and parents may be brought to Jesus through the Word of God.
  • parents may help children learn how to worship, respect the house of the Lord, and learn appropriate manners for God's house.
  • children may learn from their parents' example how to sing, how to pray, how to listen, how to follow along, and how to bring offerings.
  • parents and children can discuss the sermon and other parts of the worship service together at home.
  • parents and children can be bonded into the Christian community.

To help children and parents worship, we have ...

  • children's bulletins matching the day's worship theme
  • children's church bags with colors and worship-themed pictures, and more
  • a nursery/cry room as a place for our youngest to regroup
  • a Lord and Savior who loves to have children with him in church!

Additional children and church tips can be found in our brochure racks.

As Christians, we want Christ at the center of everything we do. This is especially true when we gather together for worship.

Liturgical Worship Services

Worship services at St. John seek to focus us on Christ. Why? Without Christ, we would have no reason to gather for worship. We would be separated from God and each other. In the presence of God, all we could do is cower in shame and fear. In the presence of each other, things would get ugly with our self-centeredness. But Christ, our Savior, has restored our relationship with God. In Christ, we are now the family of God, a family blessed with peace! In peace, we open our hearts to receive his saving and empowering gospel. In thanksgiving, we open our arms to offer Christ our hearts, our lives, our everything.

This cycle of receiving from God and giving to God characterizes the Christian life. It also characterizes the way we worship when we gather together as a congregation. To receive God's spiritual gifts and to give our spiritual thanks, we use a form of worship that traces its roots back to the apostles themselves. It's called liturgical worship.

Christ is at the center of liturgical worship. Some parts of the liturgy stay the same each Sunday. This is to make sure that Christ is proclaimed and praised during every service. Some parts of the liturgy change every week. These changes are based on the appointed calendar of the church, making sure we cover the important events and teachings of Christ every year.

At St. John Lutheran, our liturgical worship takes the best worship forms from historical Christianity and the best from today to present a service of worship with substance (Christ and his Word), with variety (in style, mood, instruments, and content), and with meaning for our lives today.

Learn more about worship and music at St. John Lutheran Church.


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